
李仁镇, 1957年生,韩国当代陶瓷家,在位于韩国安城的家中设有工作室,专门利用各种炻器和瓷器原料制作体量丰硕的罐子和器皿,并用柴窑烧制。他尝试了各种装饰技法,例如把稀释的灰釉或黑褐色泥浆不规则地涂抹在作品上,以自然地展现器物粗糙的表面和雕刻装饰。

Inchin Lee

Inchin Lee (b. 1957) is a Korean contemporary ceramic artist specializing in wood-firing and the utilization of different stoneware and porcelain clays to produce voluminous jars and vessels. He crafts the individual pieces at his home studio in Anseong, South Korea. Various applications such as diluted ash glaze or black-and-brown slip are applied irregularly on the artworks to produce effects that naturally reveal its coarse surfaces and engravings.
All works are carefully fired in an extremely labor-intensive process, nurturing high temperatures in wood-fired kilns for over a week. The final form of work is a marriage of the natural marks left by the wood-fire, and expert vision of Inchin Lee.