
1955 年生,瑞士人,工作和生活在日内瓦。1989年起,担任日内瓦艺术与设计大学陶瓷系系主任和教授。曾作为艺术家和教师受邀去往日本、中国、美国、古巴、斯里兰卡和新西兰。其作品被世界各地的博物馆及知名私人收藏家展出或收藏。 其作品《人碗脸》获得2005 年韩国第三届世界陶瓷双年展大奖。

Philippe Barde

(1955 Switzerland) Lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. Since 1989, he has been Head of the Ceramic Department and professor at the Art and Design University in Geneva. Barde has been invited as artist and teacher to Japan, China, USA, Cuba, Sri Lanka, and New Zealand. His work is well represented in numerous museums and major private collections around the world. Grand Prize winner at the 3rd World Ceramic Biennale 2005 Korea for Human Bowl Faces.